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Fritz Welch and Neil Davidson playing a string quartet on drums and guitar
13 November 2010

String Quartet

Neil Davidson

Three different performances variously featuring: Fritz Welch, loud drums, guitar, local collaborators, paper, memories, Roland Barthes, string quartets

A gender queer performer sits in a chair on stage, smoking, flanked by plants
26 May 2013


Pauline Boudry Renate Lorenz

Trans-temporal drag, sexuality and the re-staging of illegible moments in history.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
A long distance shot of a dark theatre stage piled high with cardboard boxes
26 February 2012

Inhuman Grand-Guignol Theatre

Taku Unami

Inspired by the supernatural horror of H. P. Lovecraft, black metal and a sense of worry as to what constitutes an object, or a world.

Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness
A spectral Keiji Haino hardly visible on stage in near darkness
26 February 2012

Keiji Haino

Keiji Haino

Torrential, wrenching wordless wails, guttural screams and roars, a Haino solo vocal performance.

Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness
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