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Keiji Haino's face and hands blurred in circular movement on stage at MLFC 05
20 May 2005
The Sage Gateshead

The Secret of Music

Keiji Haino

Haino exceeds expectation with a 4 hour solo performance on a collection of more than forty instruments from all over the world.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 05
AMM in a hallway or a hotel foyer leather jackets and smiles
23 November 2003
The Arches


Eddie Prevost John Tilbury Keith Rowe

AMM have undoubtedly been among the most important contributors to the UK free improv scene for nearly 40 years and we are extremely proud to be able to be working with such distinguished musicians who still rarely play live in the UK.

Exias J playing guitars and double bass on stage at INSTAL 04
17 October 2004
The Arches



The Experimental Improvisers Association of Japan, [EXIAS-J] are a loose collective of musicians and dilettantes who seem to represent an entire and self sufficient scene in one band.

Arika_Instal05_Bruno BW 3
16 October 2005
The Arches

Tom Bruno

Tom Bruno

Bruno’s liberated improvisational approach stretches beyond the lyrical, tough as nails rhythmic bursts and expressive, swinging attack of his drumming.

Steve Baczkowski and Ravi Padmanabha performing on stage
14 October 2006
The Arches

Steve Baczkowski and Ravi Padmanabha

Ravi Padmanabha Steve Baczkowski

Sax/Drums duo of raucous, pealing noise, and cries of beguiling lyricism, whispered sax phrases float in a timbral cloud of bowed metal and rumbling toms.

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