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Bhob Rainey and Greg Kelly playing saxophone and trumpet
22 May 2005
The Sage Gateshead



Boston duo of saxophonist Bhob Rainey and trumpeter Greg Kelley approach their improvisations with a slew if extended techniques and pregnant silences.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 05
AMM in a hallway or a hotel foyer leather jackets and smiles
23 November 2003
The Arches


Eddie Prevost John Tilbury Keith Rowe

AMM have undoubtedly been among the most important contributors to the UK free improv scene for nearly 40 years and we are extremely proud to be able to be working with such distinguished musicians who still rarely play live in the UK.

Exias J playing guitars and double bass on stage at INSTAL 04
17 October 2004
The Arches



The Experimental Improvisers Association of Japan, [EXIAS-J] are a loose collective of musicians and dilettantes who seem to represent an entire and self sufficient scene in one band.

People playing instruments, some of them on the floor
15 October 2005
The Arches

Directing Hand

Directing Hand

A life force of ecstatic clarity capable of loquacious bursts of affirmation.

John Butcher and Michael Moser playing saxophone and cello at MLFC 07
12 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead


Burkhard Beins John Butcher Martin Brandlmayr Michael Moser Werner Dafeldecker

With a signature spartan sound and long term preoccupation in structural tactics (subtle shifts in density, drawn out stasis) Polwechsel blur the boundaries between individual instruments.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07
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