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Mick Flower and Matt Valentine play guitar my two amplifiers
17 February 2008
The Arches

Golden Cherry Ball

MV & EE The Cherry Blossoms

An event exploring anarchic and communal situations of musical creation with MV, EE and The Cherry Blossoms.

A large band play multiple instruments on a golden lit stage
16 February 2008
The Arches

Energy Births Form

Alan Silva Ben Hall David Keenan Don Dietrich Incapacitants Kazuo Imai Michiyo Yagi Sabu Toyozumi

We wanted to ask a bunch of the best high-energy-improvisers around; can musical form really taking shape via a group energy? Can individual concentration lead to a group consciousness?

Arika_Instal08_BryonyMcIntyre_Marginal Consort - Imai 2106
17 February 2008
The Arches

Marginal Consort

Marginal Consort

Durational group-mind drone and clatter: bamboo, electronics, the contents of your local ironmongers bin. A 3-hour set from this legendary Japanese improvisation group.

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