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The high domed ceiling of Hamilton Mausoleum seen from below
29 June 2006
Hamilton Mausoleum

Hamilton Mausoleum

Akio Suzuki Chris Corsano John Butcher

Chris Corsano, Akio Suzuki and John Butcher performing in the Hamilton Mausoleum, Hamilton.

Resonant Spaces
Wormit reservoir: a concrete columns and pools of water in a large sunless room
27 June 2006
Wormit Reservoir

Wormit Reservoir

Akio Suzuki John Butcher

Akio Suzuki and John Butcher performing in an old underground reservoir in Fife.

Resonant Spaces
Akio Suzuki blowing into a small object in an ice house
25 June 2006
Tugnet Ice House

Tugnet Ice House

Akio Suzuki John Butcher

Akio Suzuki and John Butcher performing in a large multi chambered industrial ice house.

Resonant Spaces
An audience assembled inside a cave a pool of water between them and performers
23 June 2006
Smoo Cave

Smoo Cave

Akio Suzuki John Butcher

Akio Suzuki and John Butcher performing in a remote sea cave near Durness.

Resonant Spaces
A white star painted on a black oil tank or similar metal container
21 June 2006
Lyness Oil Tank

Lyness Oil Tank

Akio Suzuki John Butcher

Akio Suzuki and John Butcher performing in an abandoned oil tanker on Hoy.

Resonant Spaces
Black background with outlines of map contour lines in blue
20 – 29 June 2006

Resonant Spaces

A tour with John Butcher and Akio Suzuki that set out to allow the audience to experience (and to listen to) the enviroment around them in different way.

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