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Man with long hair and glasses and headphones sits on a bed singing
18 February 2006

Film Programme 2: Sound

Various Artists Burkhard Stangl Werner Dafeldecker

The films in the programme take the essential and fundamental building blocks of cinema (combining sound and image through time) screw about with them, interrogate them and cast them anew.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
Several brightly coloured abstract square forms are complexly layered
18 February 2006

Film Programme 1: Colour

Jennifer Reeves Various Artists Ian Helliwell Yasunao Tone

A glance at both analogue and digital processes; the clarity and precision of digital colour or the yawning, endless depth of dye and emulsion, our programme celebrates how both approaches revel in colour, saturation, hue and tone.

Kill Your Timid Notion 06
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