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A bare chested man with a bandana of their face writhes on a floor with a torch
16 February 2008



Kylie Minoise Vs Nackt Insecten feedback/ vocal physical threat ‘vs’ ecstatic electronic cloudbursts

Three performers sit on a red lit stage, a tuba player, a singer and a guitarist
16 February 2008

Neil Davidson, Aileen Campbell & Robin Hayward

Aileen Campbell Neil Davidson Robin Hayward

Sparse and miniature free thought workouts involving guitar, vocals and tuba.

Three performers on stage, two on electronics and one sings
15 February 2008

Blood Stereo

Blood Stereo Heather Leigh Murray

Goofily deformed, deeply thought vocal jams: like the sound of your own breath rushing through your head.

Arika_Instal08_BryonyMcIntyre_TM - Incapacitants 467
15 February 2008


Incapacitants Junko Kazuo Imai

Ecstatic, scalding and ludicrously heavy, nobody matches Incapacitants for live noise energy. One of the most exhilarating live acts in underground music.

Michiyo Yagi is bent over a large koto stringed instrument in a pink light
15 February 2008

Michiyo Yagi

Michiyo Yagi

Sometimes delicate, sometimes harsh and jarring, Yagi’s koto solos are as much inspired by Nancarrow or Cage as they are traditional.

26 September 2014

Make a Way Out of No Way: Club

Kia Labeija MikeQ Miss Prissy Pony Zion

Is it possible to dance our way out of the hardened stances and identity prisons we are locked in?

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way
Make A Way Out of No Way Poster Graphic
26 – 28 September 2014
Tramway Stereo

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way

A 3-day exploration – through performance, screenings and discussion – of the art and politics of wayward communities who refuse to be bound by the fictions of race and sex.

a figure bathed in red writhes as they perform with a red light in their mouth
24 May 2013

Hidden in Plain Sight: Club

boychild DJ Sprinkles Vjuan Allure Pony Zion

The club as a community and a site for performed politics: deep/ queer house, vogue femme, lipsync and ballroom.

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
Hidden In Plain Sight Poster Graphic
23 – 26 May 2013
Tramway Stereo

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight

Voguing, drag, clubbing, and the politics of communities making different performances of gender and sexuality visible.

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