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A portrait of Fred Moten wearing sunglasses and a cheeky smile
19 April 2013

Fred Moten – Reading

Fred Moten

African American history, avant-garde jazz riffs and activism intertwine in experimental verse of extraordinary and affecting beauty that has to be heard.

Episode 4: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
long shot of the audience gathered around to take part in the discussion
18 April 2013

A story that cannot be told, yet must be told. Zong! and its context

Fred Moten M. NourbeSe Philip

A conversation between Philip and Moten: how do we read NourbeSe’s anti-narrative poetic lament in Glasgow today, given the city’s role in the history of slavery?

Episode 4: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
A survey is a process of listening
2 – 6 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

A survey is a process of listening

A performative survey of listening, as we managed to find it being used as a tool in different practices, disciplines and communities in North America (music, poetry, film, philosophy, activism…).

A medieval woodcut of the cosmos with the sun, stars and heavens
5 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

Cosmic Pessimism

Eugene Thacker

A performed lecture concerned with Renaissance occult (musical) thinkers of the cosmic who put forward the notion of the “disharmony of the world”

A survey is a process of listening
2 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

A Handbook of Protocols for Literary Listening

Craig Dworkin Vanessa Place

Craig will give a guided reading of his handbook of exemplary instances of literary listening and will be joined by one of the selected authors, Vanessa Place.

A survey is a process of listening
A projected quotation about wandering in hollows and dark thoughts
26 February 2012

All the Colours of the Dark, Except Black

Evan Calder Williams

A chat, with examples (Zola, H. P. Lovecraft, Hammer Horror), about blackness and the sheer stupid thickness of what has no profundity whatsoever.

Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness
25 February 2012

The View From Nowhere Part 2

Alexi Kukuljevic Mark Fisher Ray Brassier

Has neoliberal capitalism locked down social experience? Are our seemingly subjective desires, our identities, pre-packaged by dominating social structures?

Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness
26 February 2012

Cosmic Pessimism

Eugene Thacker

A chat with Eugene Thacker. Can we rethink the world as unthinkable, and without us?

Episode 2: A Special Form of Darkness
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