Loic Blairon Website
Loïc Blairon

Artist Events

15 May 2010
It Doesn’t Say What It Says
Loïc Blairon
Open-ended, paradoxical and performed investigations into: misunderstanding, language games, form saturated with sense, and consecutive matters…

26 February 2010
I never needed the metaphor until I started describing the real
Loïc Blairon
A simple, gracefully bold set-up to allow Loïc to trace connections: of comments upon comments upon comments, of sounds next to sounds next to sounds.
Kill Your Timid Notion 10

24 February 2010
Investigation – Loïc Blairon & Marc Baron
Loïc Blairon Marc Baron
Loïc and Marc are proposing a series of investigations into the tension between improvisation and recording and how it can be used to engage with different spaces and environments around Dundee
Kill Your Timid Notion 10