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Artist Events

Daniel Carter plays a saxophone and William Parker plays a bamboo flute
20 April 2013

Daniel Carter & William Parker

Daniel Carter William Parker

What might Carter and Parker’s collaboration tell us about our own performances of responsibility and liberty, whether individual, social or musical?

Episode 4: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
A B&W portrait of four members of TEST, all smiling
6 May 2012
Whitney Museum of American Art

TEST featuring Fred Moten

Daniel Carter Matt Heyner Sabir Mateen Tom Bruno Fred Moten

TEST is a collective creative improvising quartet based out of the NYC Underground (figuratively and literally). Their street-hardened, spatial Jazz is riotous and intense: is also makes us think about collective organization, and different ideas of responsibility and liberty.

A survey is a process of listening
Daniel Carter sitting backstage at MLFC 07
13 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead

Talk Hosted by Byron Coley

Byron Coley Daniel Carter Sabir Mateen

Free-jazz chat with Sabir Mateen, Daniel Cater, Andrew Barker – hosted by Byron Coley.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07
Daniel Carter, Andrew Barker & Sabir Mateen performing at MLFC 07
13 May 2007
The Sage Gateshead

Daniel Carter, Andrew Barker & Sabir Mateen

Daniel Carter Sabir Mateen

Daniel Carter & Sabir Mateen’s trio with percussionist Andrew Barker; incessantly driving forward through sweat-drenched bursts of pure ecstatic freedom.

Music Lover’s Field Companion 07