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Fernando stands gestures with one arm out, the other hand rests in the crook
22 November 2019

Workshop on Gestural Maths

Fernando Zalamea

Fernando thinks that when maths is deep, it should be simple and able to be explained by hand gestures. By embodying ideas, we’re able to more clearly think about their cultural implications.

Episode 10: A Means Without End
Two legs wearing black high heeled boots stick up above the edge of dark stage
18 November 2017

Moved by the Motion

boychild TOTAL FREEDOM Wu Tsang

Sci-fi. After the club. Underground. Counter-narrative. Narrated movement. Cultural resistance. Wu Tsang and boychild’s collaborative performance series, will continue its evolution at Episode 9 with the addition of TOTAL FREEDOM.

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist
Storyboard P blurred in movement surrounded by darkness
16 November 2017

The Body is a Sanctuary That Floats

Storyboard P

A performance by Storyboard P – one of the greatest Afrofuturist dancers on the planet.

Episode 9: Other Worlds Already Exist
Henri Chopin on stage smiling and operating a tape recorder
16 October 2005
The Arches

Henri Chopin

Henri Chopin

Renouncing the bind of the written word, Chopin’s sound poetry is a magical evocation of the pure powers of the voices, stripped bare of language.

Three women pose in front of a home made banner "Get the Body of a God"
28 September 2014

Dance Workshop

Glasgow Open Dance School Miss Prissy

A movement-based workshop on Krump and the politics of how we teach, learn and listen with our bodies. Move with us!

Episode 6: Make a Way Out of No Way
Jimmy Robert sits at the edge of a lit square on the floor, one leg bent up
26 May 2013

Suspended closure, suspended

Jimmy Robert

When we look, how do we objectify the body; how can we reflect on our (self) image as a construction?

Episode 5: Hidden in Plain Sight
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